I decided that Friday was going to be an official hooky day for me.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
Ferris Bueller
I slept in a bit. I went over and had breakfast with Tina, Chris, and Abby. I got my hair cut. Had lunch by myself. Did some shopping. Read a book. Chatted with two of my fave people (Jo and Jazz). Took a nap. I loved every minute of it. The day flew by, unfortunately. As it tends to do when you are home from work, playing hooky. The day was so relaxing, though, and I clearly need to do it again in a couple of months just to refresh the batteries.
Today, my mom and I took Michaela to see "Hop", which was really cute. Of course, she got a bit antsy in it as there was that part that was just dragging on for a kid movie, but she did good.

And James Marsden...so hot!

After dropping Michaela off we did a stop at Kohl's and then home. Currently I'm watching "Die Hard" and chatting on IM with a friend. Low key day today, very relaxing weekend so far! It is loved.
So is Hop worth it? The preview looks funny...I didn't enjoy Scream 4 but my husband did. I just thought it was okay...
Who doesn't love James Marsden?!?! so cute...I think I need to have kids so I have an excuse for going to see cute movies like this:)
James Marsden is adorbs, but I haven't seen Hop. I am not sure I could sit through a kids' movie--but maybe. But Eric probably would not--ha ha!
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