Yeah, yeah, I know most do a Tuesday Ten, but I never got around to it.
1. There is nothing that amuses me more than getting an email out of the blue from my best friend that starts out with "So you know, I was thinking of back in the day when we were stupid…" It makes me smile. Distance may separate us and we don’t talk all the time, but you know it is a true friendship when you just right in to the conversation as if no time ever passes. (And for the record, I was never stupid back in the day that; is just unheard of nonsense!)
2. Have you all seen the trailer for
Jen Lancaster’s new book, "If you were here"? Oh how hysterical it is and it pays homage to all things John Hughes. So excited to read this book. (And even more excited that I will be seeing Jen in person May 17th!!)
"If you were here" video trailer (The embedded video keeps messing up)
3. I decided to stop by Dunkin Donuts this morning for breakfast. I haven’t been there since they re-tooled the look and menu. I had a vanilla bean coolata (basically a vanilla bean smoothie) and an egg white/spinach/turkey sausage omelet on flat bread. The Coolata was delicious, but the sandwich? Kinda yucky! I should have stuck with my standard and gone to Einstein Brothers Bagels for a mushroom/spinach omelet. Not overly impressed, DD! You can do better.
4. AMC Theaters is going to be showing
“Top Gun” on April 30th and May 2nd in order to celebrate the movie’s 25th Anniversary. I never got to see it on the big screen; I saw it the first time on an airplane, coming home from Turkey. Tom Cruise, as crazy as he is, has had some fabulous movies and this one is up there for me. I can’t wait to see it in the theater and I am particularly excited to see the volleyball scene on the big screen. What? No one ever said I wasn’t shallow like that.
5. Tyson is awfully mouthy lately. His meows’ border on obnoxious and grate on my nerves every single time he does it. I think he does it on purpose; he is an asshat like that. Especially considering he will get up on the bed, move so he is just out of my reach and then start the yowling. When I yell at him to shut up, he parades to the other side of the bed, still out of my reach and does a couple more yowls before jumping down and scurrying out of the room. He also hates the fact that he is upstairs and I’m downstairs so he sits on the stairs and bellows for me to come up there. It is his own fault he isn’t downstairs, he doesn’t like the little love muffin, Bo, because Bo is just like him – obnoxious.
6. I am taking a trip over to Bath & Body Works this weekend. A couple of items are screaming my name and I feel that I must own them. Ya know how some people stockpile food and weapons for the end of the world? Yeah, I will ensure that no one ever smells bad when that happens. I have that much B&BW product and keep on buying more. It’s an addiction. I admit it.

7. Is anyone else watching “Dancing wit the stars”? My boy,
Hines Ward, is doing fabulous! I am also impressed with Chris Jericho. I met him back in my “wrestling fandom” days. He was kind of a putz back then. He has matured, at least. I also really love Kirstie Alley and Maks. (Okay, I just really like Maks…) I had wanted to be impressed with Kendra Wilkinson as she seemed to have a great personality. Maybe this is just not the right showcase for her because she is coming off very ugly.
8. I am not a fan of horror movies, but I do love the “Scream” series and am excited that next Friday the 4th movie is coming out. It is either going to be awesome or it is going to suck, I don’t figure there will be a middle line for it. I’ll be there! Can’t wait to see what Ghost Face is up to now.
9. About a year ago, I went on a job interview with a staffing agency. It was the worst interview of my life. I got there and the receptionist told me to have a seat. I was early, my appointment was at 4:30. At 4:45, the guy I had the appointment with came out to inquire if anyone had heard from me. The receptionist waved in my direction, “Oh that is her, I forgot.” The interview lasted about two minutes. When I went to leave I found out that even though the parking garage said they took credit cards, they did not. I had to walk three blocks down the street to a bank to get money from the ATM, came back and was charged an additional $2.50 for being two minutes over the hour. I was livid, wanted them to lose my resume. Queue about 3 weeks ago, I get a phone call about a job that I am perfect for. I do a phone interview with the lady, she is from the same staffing agency. And gee, I am not only NOT qualified for the job, but it paid horribly. Never hear from her again on this job. Then I get a phone call “I have about five minutes to spare for you, call me if you are interested in a position I have open.” What the heck?? How rude can you be! I bring this up because I had another call today, “I have a job opening, I don’t know if you are qualified as they want someone who is bilingual and has an engineering degree, but if you can call me back we will discuss it.” Uh, I am not bilingual and I don’t have an engineering degree. Tools!
10. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!